Latino Adolescents: A Case Study

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“The Latino population in the United States is increasing rapidly, and Latino youth comprise a significant proportion of the overall school age population” (Kristen E. Zychinski and Antonio J Polo, 2012). Yet, however, Latino youth demonstrate low levels of academic achievement. Academic difficulties are primary noticeable in low-income, minority adolescent groups and along with it comes and increase risk for depression symptoms. Adolescents from these groups are also less likely to receive treatment from developing or stopping it. This issue becomes a negative impact on Hispanic adolescents, which is substantial and can be the cause of adverse development in later adulthood. Therefore, since Hispanic adolescents comprise a majority of children in school settings it is important to be aware of the issues this group experiences as well as looking for ways to minimize the devastating effects of depression. …show more content…

And, How does cognitive behavioral therapy help Hispanic adolescents experiencing depression? To find solution to these answers, information is examined from four peer review empirical articles. In fact, Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory of Ecological System is used to help develop a better understanding on how the research presented affects Latino adolescents in daily life. This theory focuses on the different aspects and levels of environmental influences on children’s development, including the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and alas the macrosystem. The studies that will be discussed focus on the first two aspects of the systems theory microsystem and macrosystem. These aspects are important because studies focus on parent and teacher cooperation when applying the intervention to the adolescents experiencing depression

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