Leadership Theory Essay

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While this assignment asks for a well-known business leader with charismatic and organizational success based upon power and leadership per the textbook and supplemental reading. First, what is leadership? In simple terms, it has a basis of social influence, showing a cause of action, instruction with components of care of the task and the care and welfare for the others in the group or work teams. Basic traditional leadership theory is based on the interaction between leaders and followers without specific titles to reflect a position (Manning & Curtis, 2007).
Concepts of Leadership Theory It is widely acknowledged that organization success is dependent on effective leadership. However, leadership as a concept appears not …show more content…

Since this considers style in relation to dealing with subordinates. What kind of interaction exists with a leader-follower relationship? What consideration and concern is apparent to reflect leadership behavior. Are the team or group members acting together to be cohesive and productive (Spector, 2012)? As a group or team, does the leader exert themselves as we all belong working toward a common goal? For leadership and power become evident, is it so acknowledged that different members will have different capabilities, special knowledge of a process, where other members may have other types of contributions that nevertheless are just as important (Spector, 2012)? Some of the things that tilt cohesiveness and usually due to the power exerted or perceived to be exerted in an uncomfortable way. Not all uses of power are detrimental. Expert power based upon knowledge and expertise and trust is established. Reverent power has its basis on personal relationship basis and does not put forth a feeling of mistrust. Then there is legitimate power based upon a job title or position. Reward power comes from promotions and raises. However, there is also the coercive power that involves a detriment to someone in terms of disciplinary actions or termination (Spector,