Lynda Barry In Expanding English Class

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When I realized that I was going to be put into Expanded English 100E; I was a bit resentful, because I felt that I didn’t need to be in this class. I felt as if USM was trying to say that I wasn’t good enough to get put into the traditional English 101 class. Once in the class my feelings changed after a while, because I got placed in this class with a terrific English teacher that wanted nothing but the best out her students. This Self-Evaluation will explain my process in which I became a better writer and progressed through Expanded English 101. I will provide evidence from my last two essays; Lynda Barry’s: Sanctuary of School and The ACT Uncovered. My self-evaluation will prove that all works of writing is a form of communication between …show more content…

For example, Lynda Barry in Sanctuary School is speaking to her audience about how creative activities in school is vital to children. Lynda Barry isn’t the only one who communicates with her audience on major issues that she feels is important; in my project five argumentative essay, I was communicating with my audience to inform them that the ACT should not be a tributary to a student getting into college. I supported my claim by finding articles on the internet and finding people who agreed with me on my implications on the ACT. Although I provided a few internet sources as evidence, I also gave my own personal experience as well as one of my peer’s personal experience to support my argument. An example of my peer’s personal experience is, her not being able to get into college due to her low ACT score. However, for my project four I cited information from the book. I had to analyze Barry’s claims and respond to her argument. For example, Barry said “We are told in thousands of ways that not only are public schools not important, but that the children who attend them, the children who need them most, are not important either.” (725) However, I analyzed it by saying; This quote could possibly strike anger and sadness amongst her readers, mainly because it’s pointing out that the Government does not care for the children of the United States. No matter the situation, the children are expected to fend for