Marilyn Monroe Quotes

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Marilyn Monroe
By: Ashley Rugg Marilyn Monroe; who is she? If you don?t know her, you are going to find out all there is to know about her. If you do know her, you will find things you never knew about her. Childhood

We?re going to start with her childhood. If you always believed her real name was Marilyn Monroe, you?re WRONG! Her real name is Norma Jean Baker, she was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. Marilyn Monroe was almost smothered to death at age two, raped at age seven, and sexually assaulted at age eleven.

Marilyn?s heart has always been set on becoming famous. In fact Marilyn became the world?s biggest and most enduring sex symbols. …show more content…

This is Marilyn?s most famous quote
Some more of Marlyins quotes are
??Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it?s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring??.
?? It?s better to be unhappy alone than to be unhappy with someone.??
?? If you?re going to be two faced at least make the other one pretty.??
??If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything.??
?? You better believe when the conversation is getting shorter with you, it?s getting longer with someone else.??

Conclusion Marilyn Monroe is a beautiful, and smart women to look up to, and many of you should look up to her to. If you wanna find even more information, go to the three wesites listed at the end os the story. Hope you?ve learned a lot from this story, all About?.. Marilyn Monroe.

This is Norma Jean Baker

This is Marilyn Monroe

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