Marketing Tips For A Triathlon Coaching Business

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Grow your triathlon coaching business with these five easy marketing tips. Many tri coaches overlook the need for effective marketing strategies and plans for their coaching business. Spend some time each week using these five marketing tips for coaches of triathlon and see the dramatic increase in the number of triathlon clients.

1. Provide Incentives - This is a favorite strategy used in other sports (and businesses) to build interest and loyalty to their brand. Airlines offer frequent flier rewards programs to regular travelers. Want to have that free first class upgrade on your next flight? Then accumulate enough airline miles to qualify for that airline's premier or executive level program and that wider, softer seat with more leg room …show more content…

Consider offering a monthly cycling time trial workout or track workout where you can measure and identify each triathlete's progress and improvement. Or offer a short "beginner" triathlete training program that is separate from your traditional triathlon training program that allows the beginning triathlete to upgrade to the full coaching program once they have completed the beginner triathlon training.

2. Create Your Expert Niche - Triathletes want an "expert" tri coach, and its critical to the success of your triathlon coaching business to find the triathlon coaching niche where you can be considered that "expert" coach. Focus on one or two subsets of triathletes in your coaching business to start - it may be working with first-time and beginner triathletes or developing a coaching program geared specifically to the time-demands of working moms that are triathletes.

If you are a current triathlon coach, look at the background of your current triathlete clients and try to identify a common factor between them. If you are new to the triathlon coaching world, then look at your own experience in triathlons. And if your background is in swimming, then it may make sense to define your "expert" niche as the swim-focused triathlete

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