
Mediterranean Diet Pyramid: A Cultural Model For Healthy Eating

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Willett, Walter C, et al. “Mediterranean diet pyramid: a cultural model for healthy eating.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 61.6 (1995): n. pag. Web. 1 Oct. 2014.
This essay is extremely helpful for me because it has given me in detail what the Mediterranean diet’s components are. The “Mediterranean diet” is usually the one held in the areas of the region in which olives are grown. The bottom level of the mediterranean diet pyramid consists of bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, polenta, bulgur, couscous, and other grains, which are all eaten daily. The next level, which is also eaten daily, consists of fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts. Fruits are usually eaten daily as a dessert, Olive oil is a big part of the diet because it is the …show more content…

It is a meta-analysis of many studies from both “English and non-English publications in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from 1966 to 30 June 2008.” According to the conclusions they made on the study, the Mediterranean diet helps by decreasing overall mortality rate by nine percent. It also helps by decreasing mortality rate specifically from cardiovascular disease also by nine percent, and mortality specifically caused by cancer by six percent. it also helps against Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease by 13 percent. The study shows that the Mediterranean diet helps increase the length of one’s life and postpone death. This source is very useful because it is a government website. I do not think government websites can be doubted at all. If that is not enough, then I will say that it is a primary source because the group who made the study is the same group that wrote this article. The article even has a short section about the biases that may have affected the outcomes of the study. If the outcomes are after, then so are the conclusions they make. The article talks about the process of the study in detail. The fact that they talk about how they made the study shows that they have some large level of confidence in their study. This article also connects heavily to my topic. My essay talks …show more content…

According to US National Library of Medicine National institutes of health, recent studies have shown that following the Mediterranean diet has been “associated with lower cognitive decline, with reduced risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment conversion to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and with reduced risk of AD.” The writers of the article, Catherine Féart, Cécilia Samieri, and Pascale Barberger-Gateau, also say that the diet may not only affect the chances of getting Alzheimer’s Disease, “but also the evolution of cognitive performances over time and subsequent disease course.” This comes from the British Medical Journal, which is a journal, so it is more trustworthy than most sources on the internet. Unfortunately, I cannot tell if it is peer reviewed or not. However, I think the source is pretty reliable, even if it is not peer-reviewed. This is because it comes from an academic journal that seems to be aimed towards academic audiences. Also, three out of the five writers are professors, which means they are academic. The other two are researchers, which also means they are academic. The article was published in 2008, which is fine since the Mediterranean diet has obviously not changed over the past six years. It connects to my topic in the same way all the other studies have connected to my topic. It connects to my topic because part of the essay is about the Mediterranean

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