Meeting Minutes Of The National FFA Organization

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As secretary, one of your duties is to create our monthly chapter meeting agendas. Chapter meeting agendas are essential for every chapter meeting. It outlines everything that needs to be discussed and ensures that nothing is forgotten, while making everyone aware of what is to come. For better organization, our chapter’s meeting agenda has an additional three columns added. (speaker, date and notes) The agenda is formatted specifically for the convenience of members.

Tab Stops: Currently, there are three tab stops that separate text in the meeting agenda. (One for speaker, date and notes) This makes separating information (formatting) easier on you! To learn EVERYTHING you need to know about tab stops click here.

When you start a meeting …show more content…

(Click tab from the items and write the speaker's first name. All of them should line up directly under the speaker column at the top.) No dates will need to be included.
Unfinished Business is any items of business that need to be revisited from the previous meeting. It is helpful to look at the new business from the last month’s agenda to find the unfinished business.


Unfinished business can either serve as a recap of past events or a reminder of an event that hasn’t happened yet.

New Business includes any new items of business that need to brought up for members that month. For this I look at the chapter calendar and make a list of all the upcoming FFA events, opportunities, activities, etc. that are in between the next chapter meeting. I also look at the last years agenda from the same month to make sure nothing is …show more content…

These are said by the chapter president and must include the next chapter meeting date. Some examples are SAE Spotlight, FFA Banquet, Award and application due dates. It simply just depends on what is happening/approaching in the chapter.

Entertainment/Refreshments/Recreation is where you write the meeting activity and refreshments that are planned.

The speakers for new and unfinished business should be divided up among the officer team. If dates are available write them as well. The notes section is for members to write their own notes throughout the meeting, but if you feel like something needs to be wrote in for them feel free to do it!

About one week before each chapter meeting make sure to sit down with the officer team and advisor to write the meeting agenda. Throughout the meeting take notes and record any/all important information! You should be prepared before the agenda meeting too. Go through everything listed above and bring that to each meeting to help it run smoother and faster. Remind the team to write their name next to an item of business, if they don’t, fill it in yourself! Everyone should have at least one item to talk about in each chapter