Melissa Castello Spoke To The Field Of Management

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1. The guest speaker that spoke to the class about the field of Management was Melissa Castello. Melissa Castello spoke about Human Resources as a Strategic Business Partner. She is a Hofstra Alum and her expertise is in Human Resources. She also has her MBA and works for Frank Hirth LLC.

2. I found numerous things to be very interesting during her presentation. As I was unfamiliar with the field of Human Resources, I thought it was interesting to see how the field has evolved and changed over the years. I think it is very interesting that Human Resources interact with many people throughout the company they work for and their “clients” are the staff in the company. I also found it interesting that a person working in Human Resources needs to know all the different aspects of the business environment, including things like balance sheets and laws.

3. The presentation that was given increased my interest slightly in this field. I have never …show more content…

One thing that I found extremely interesting about this profession is that the Human Resources person has to monitor everything that goes on within the staff. They have to be fully prepared to handle all different types of situations, including firing and hiring people and helping the company have the most productive staff. It all depends on the Human Resources department to find the best staff and work environment to make the company money. Something else that I found to be extremely interesting was the fact that Human Resources checks in on the staff and monitors the staff, but only their bosses monitor them. I had to ask this question to the presenter because I was extremely curious as to how this worked. It seems that their whole job surrounds the idea of making sure that the staff is behaving and performing correctly but there is only a limited amount of people who check on them. Also, part of their job could be hiring and firing people. This must be different for them since this is their job, so who does it for