Microsoft Organizational Structure Analysis

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Microsoft was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for Altair 8800. Its aim was to dominate the personal computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by Microsoft Windows. The company's 1986 initial public offering, and subsequent rise in its share price, created three billionaires and an estimated 12,000 millionaires among Microsoft employees. Since the 1990s, it has increasingly diversified from the operating system market and has made a number of corporate acquisitions. In May 2011, Microsoft acquired Skype Technologies for $8.5 billion in its largest acquisition to date and in June 2016 announced plans to acquire LinkedIn for $26.2 billion. As of 2015, …show more content…

Maro environment or micro enterprise's strategic decisions allow better structuring of activities so that the goals of the organization can be fulfilled. Organizational structures help to simplify decision-making. The Microsoft organization hierarchy of authority starting from chairman, CEO and other executive officers at the top because they set goals and direction of the company for the other levels. Supporting layers of managers under the executive level are tasked with applying these goals to their areas of responsibility or departments, which are arranged in order of appropriate information flow from management. Thus it can be stated that Strategy, decision making process and organizational structure helps a company to gain success and to achieve the goals of the companies. As is in the case of Microsoft, the use of strategy, decision making process and organizational structure are working hand to hand and is supporting each other. This is the reason of the Microsoft Company that it has captured the market very well and is the market leader in its areas. It is because of the coordination of organizational structure, strategy and decision making process Microsoft is almost 90% of the operating system market share, MSN Messnger is the most popular IM client in the world, 60% market share, Internet Explorer is still the most used browser, 65%+ market share, Microsoft Office is still the most used Office suite, XBox is selling great and they are taking a market leader position, Hotmail is the most used web-email with 250 million users, Microsoft are a big player in web-backend market. IIS and ASP are catching up with Apache, .Net has the largest market share amongst developers. Microsoft shares in IM, web-email, console market, developer tools market, web-server market etc. are all growing and aren't