Mixed Methodology

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2.1.3 Mixed Methodology Scaled survey items and reflective journals were the two interpretive and participatory sources utilized to provide contextual understanding of the impact of service learning for this study. These data sources were analyzed in both qualitative and quantitative fashion, resulting in a mixed methodology. Triangulation is employed as a means of veri¬fication in order to increase the credibility and de¬pendability of the results. In this study, the use of both quantitative and qualitative data sources allows for triangulation of results by different methods of measurement and between different sources of data. Table 2 outlines methods of measurement used for each research question under study. 4 Discussion The service-learning …show more content…

This study demonstrates a way of organizing the data, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to aid in forming conclusions about the ability of the service experience to enhance the learning of student participants. Additionally, the students are given “voice” through this research as their commentary unfolds to help others share in and learn from their experience. Such assessment is valuable to the faculty and administration when considering continuation of implementing service learning at the MIHC. The purpose of this study was to describe students’ experiences, attitudes, and learning outcomes associated with the implementation of this service-learning rotation related to three fundamental questions: Did the service-learning experience increase student awareness of the needs of elderly populations? Did the student possess professional growth as a result of the service-learning experience? Did the student’s understanding of cultural diversity and ethical patient care improve as a result of the service-learning …show more content…

First, students should be informed that their journals would not be graded, other than pass/fail for meeting the journaling requirement. This helps to ensure that students felt free to accurately depict their thoughts and feelings through their writing. Second, an organized group debriefing of the students should be conducted at the close of their service-learning ex¬perience as a means of member checking. Through this process, faculty members are able to hear from the students, firsthand, about their experiences and compare it to the thematic analysis report gener¬ated by the primary investigator. This comparison will help to verify that what the students report about their experiences in the debriefing session is captured in the analysis. Third, the results of the thematic analysis are subjected to triangulation to reduce inherent bias by confirming conclusions through several different sources of data and types of