Mount Miguel High School: Motivation And Dedication

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My research paper entitled Motivation and Dedication have given me an insight as to why Mount Miguel High School (MMHS) students do not strive for success or achieve a higher level of education. That insight motivated me to run for class president. However, I was hesitant about running for class president because Asians represented the majority of the office positions. I was intimidated to run because I was the only African American running against three other Asians. My teachers agreed with my decision and encouraged me to run. I knew I had great ideas and was determined to get involved even if I did not win. Many of my peers knew me and how motivated I was to take the position. The student body knew if I won everyone would be included and …show more content…

Many class president opportunities influenced me to do more. I narrowed down MMHS problems and found some solutions to resolve them. I hosted my first fundraiser at Cali Comfort where other students and I took places as servers. At first, I thought of failure because the team was so small, but I did not want to doubt my skills. My team had to do more work when it came down to it. My goals as class president were to pursue a positive direct engagement to motivate students to put in the extra effort, time, dedication, work, and motivation to resolve the school's achievement gap. We need Mount Miguel students to believe in themselves and their dreams. The expectations of Mount Miguel students should not be determined by their environment, which is considered a shortcoming. As class president, I presented new proposals that were investigated to resolve the issues of not having a highly motivated and supportive environment. My first proposal that was fulfilled was to obtain more library hours. My next proposal was to contribute an SAT prep class after school. These were my methods of a positive direct impact to engage the students learning