Mr. Ire Case Summary

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Case 4: Mr. Ire, a science teacher, became enraged at the incompetent performance of a student during a laboratory experiment and knocked the student to the ground with such force that the student required medical attention.
505-6-.01 Standard 2: Conduct with Students - An educator shall always maintain a professional relationship with all students, both in and outside the classroom. Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to:
1. committing any act of child abuse, including physical and verbal abuse;
2. committing any act of cruelty to children or any act of child endangerment;
3. committing any sexual act with a student or soliciting such from a student;
4. engaging in or permitting harassment of or misconduct toward a student that would violate a state or federal law;
5. soliciting, encouraging, or consummating an …show more content…

The teacher did not properly dispose of the student’s records and due to his or her incompetence dogs tore the bags and the files were scattered through the community. To make matters worse, it was scattered through the same communities where some of the students currently reside. So now there is a high possibility that their personal information could be stolen and cause identity theft.
The teacher violated two standards and committed ethical violations. The Code of Ethics Standard 7 was violated. The teacher didn’t dispose of the student’s and their parent’s confidential information properly. She put all of their information in danger. When a teacher signs a contract he or she is required by law not to violate sharing confidential information restricted by the state and federal law and this teacher did so. He or she may not have done it on purpose but due to the lack of there still was a violation. Ignorance is also guilty of ethical violations. Above in the table of standard 7, section 1 is a reference that shows how the teacher was in