
My Leadership Philosophy

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Leadership, friendship, and service are the key ingredients to a person of exceptional behavior. Leadership, friendship, and service are three qualities that are vital to the life of a successful person. They create and lead to endless opportunities in their business and personal lives.
Being a friend means more to me than anything. I am very familiar with the feeling of being in need of someone else’s company. I know what it feels like when you need that extra shoulder to lean on. A good friend should be trustworthy, loyal, and dependable. I value relationships with every person that I ever meet. Friends are very important and play very critical roles in developing relationships with people. We need friends to give us good advice. We need …show more content…

Taking the initiative to sit back and watch versus always speaking up is one of the main things that make a great leader. A great leader should always be patient, be consistent in their word, and most importantly, always, be an example and make firm decisions. Why? Because a good leader is always prompt, continuing to bring characteristics like creativity, enthusiasm, and confidence into play. True leaders have integrity. Integrity is the very core of their influence. Living the values they profess to believe is what gives them credibility and allows others to place their trust in them. Leadership is setting a new direction or vision for a group that they follow. Good communication skills are required at every level of business, but leaders must possess outstanding communication skills. Luckily, this is a skill that can be learned. Motivating teams – Inspiring others is the mark of an effective leader. Leadership skills are an essential component in positioning executives to make thoughtful decisions about their organization's mission and goals, and properly allocate resources to achieve those directives. Valuable leadership skills include the ability to delegate, inspire and communicate

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