National Honor Society Scholarship Essay

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Everybody is different in their own way, and there are many traits that define a person. Everyone has their own beliefs and way of life. I believe that there can be good in anyone, as long as you are willing to take a chance and find that good. One thing that defines a person is their academic success and their personal achievements. In my opinion, education is the first step to success and by trying your best, you can achieve many great things. This goes along with the first core value of National Honor Society, scholarship. In my own words, scholarship is your achievements within your education and successes you have made. To me, it encompasses strengths a person has discovered or weaknesses they have overcome. Throughout the years I have accomplished things I have thought impossible and I learned to overcome negativity and weakness. …show more content…

To me, this is a little far-fetched because I believe anybody can take a role as a leader, but some may be too scared to try. This is the core value of leadership. It is taking advantage of tasks and responsibility for your actions or work. It is being able to lead a group or being reliable and trustworthy. Trust, along with so many other characteristics, is a huge part of a person’s character and also a big part of leadership. This brings me to service. To me, this means being able to volunteer some of your time for good. This shows responsibility and helpfulness. Responsibility is a great factor in life and it is not something everyone possesses, but I believe everyone could hold up to this standard. Service is to be kind and not expect any kind of reward, only the feeling you receive from helping people. Everyone is capable of performing good deeds and as a person of society, I try to achieve at least one good deed a day. I think one person at a time, we could all work together and create the world we all hope to