Negative Effects Of Obama Care

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“What’s most telling is that some of the people who are most supportive of reform are the very medical professionals who know the health care system best.” –Barack Obama October 5, 2009. As President Barack Obama said those few lines, therewere a few selected people in white coats supporting Obama at the Rose Garden. The doctor’s that attended and reinforced his idea in legitimizing ObamaCare were staged. Physicians, who have knowledge about the American health care functions, understand how ObamaCare would have a negative impact. With ObamaCare continuing to be implemented, it will only affect our future. Insurance prices will continue to increase and access to actual care will decline. Hospitals and other health care providers will remain …show more content…

Obama Care is the unofficial name for The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which was signed into law on March 23, 2010. In a more general sense Obama Care and The Health Care for America Plan or any such name is a reference to the ongoing health care reform under President Obama. (Samual, 2012)
Medicaid programs are already strained, so why are we even questioning the idea to extend health coverage to millions of uninsured American’s. The impact of adding millions of new people under Medicaid would result in the possibility ofbreaking the state budget and a lower quality of care would be given to the patients within the program. Medicaid is already the single leading budget entry. Obama has stated that Washington would pick up the tab for the development, but how long is that going to last? Eventually the states will be responsible in paying off the dues. This ends up meaning taxpayers wallets are going to hurt. ObamaCare imposes more than twenty new taxes on …show more content…

Medicaid payments to physicians are only 56 percent of what private insurance companies pay. Prior to ObamaCare physicians already are hesitant in accepting Medicaid patients because of the lower payment rates, which has led to the congestion in hospitals. Doctors will have to make a verdict whether or not to accept the Medicaid patients at a lower rate or terminate treating them at all. ObamaCare will also contribute the future shortage of physicians by the year 2020 it is anticipated to believe that we will face a shortage of 91,500 doctors. ObamaCare is a contributing factor to doctors who are looking to retire within the next five years. If this were to happen, it will toughen the already existing doctor shortage. Most importantly by taking on Obamas health care reform will we be abolishing the doctor-patient relationship. The massive amount of patients that will be seen by a doctor will cut the time spent with each patient. The way the general public sees ObamaCare is that Obama is helping protect the helpless section of our population. It is just not true.We have enough people abusing the system in my opinion ObamaCare just makes it

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