Never Ending Needles: The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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Never Ending Needles
Twenty-five million animals are used to test commercial products each year. Ambushed in cages without true interactions with the real world is horrific. The minority viewpoint suggests it is still okay to test animals because they devalue them as nothing more than lab objects. Animals should not be used for commercial or scientific testing.
These animals that are used for testing should not have to go through the cruelty that they see everyday. Animals that are used in labs are having their necks broken, getting decapitated, being killed with carbon dioxide, and lastly the draize eye test where their eyelids are held open with clips for several days so they can’t blink out the product being tested. Another nightmare test, is when the animals go to have a surgery without any anesthesia to see how humans will reciprocate without it. Most of the time they get no recovery time and are back for another surgery the next day. These animals want to be in their natural habitats with their families, not being used for testing. …show more content…

Animals are being detained in lab facilities and are forced to live in isolation because if the animals are outside, they would be smart enough to get away and the scientist would have just lost all their data and would have to start the test all over again which would take a perpetually long time. The scientist also, extort their lab animals to eat and drink because of when the test might be taking place or if that is a test to see what could happen to people if they consume the product. Forcing is never good for humans or animals, but people are still agreeing with the tactics being

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