Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Have you ever seen a sphere that emitted little bolts of lightning wherever you touched it? Tesla Sphere is the name of this ball of electricity. The name Tesla Sphere comes from the ingenious inventor Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla, like Thomas Edison, was an inventor who delved in the art of electricity and power, making generators and his very own kind of current. “Tesla was born on July 9 or 10, 1856, in Smiljan, Croatia” (Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia), a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire that is now known as Croatia. He was born to an orthodox priest father and a remarkably talented mother during a thunderstorm. His mom made household inventions and had a great memory for epic poetry. Tesla became an inventor due to her influence. …show more content…

Tesla lived from 1856 to 1943. He lived through a lot of large historical inventions and events. He lived during the first telephone call, the Chicago World Fair, both World Wars, drive-in movie theaters, the roaring twenties, the stock market crash, and so much more. During the twenties, music began to grow in popularity and size. Tesla lived through this age of music and experienced the gramophone first-hand. Jazz and Blues were the popular choices for music during this time. In Tesla’s time, broadway and theater were also gaining popularity. Fashion was another big thing during this time. “Women had worn pants while working in their wartime occupations. After the war, pants became a fashion item for women. Modern women also started wearing pajamas to bed in preference to nightgowns. There were a few different styles of pajamas, and each was worn for separate occasions: brightly colored silk or cotton versions for the evening; beach pajamas for trips to the coast; and lounging pajamas for the home” (Carol Harris and Mike Brown). Science was also a large part during this time. Thanks to science, all these amazing inventions made lifestyles more comfortable and relaxing. Electricity was a huge thing during this time, thanks in part to Thomas Edison and his direct current, but also to Nikola Tesla with his alternating current. The world became a much brighter place during Tesla’s lifetime and became a totally different place

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