Mosaic Strategic Plan

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Recommendations for the Organizational Leaders from The OPD Practitioner
Analysis of a strategic plan for Mosaic Inc.
The OPD specialist can add to the progress of social change efforts and change management in an organization with the assistance of experts in the organization's various departments (D’Ortenzio, 2012). The sustained collective efforts are essential to accomplishing the change and it is possible that the assorted leading personnel may work towards making successful changes or reject the change.
Conventional change management can be performed by regularly monitoring the areas that require timely responses, as well as, sustaining the existing objectives to avoid deterioration. Motivation simultaneously with consultation is an …show more content…

In addition, the strategies are specific to what should be done and could possibly improve the company’s financial position. The implementation of new schemes is commonly described but not conveyed throughout the company as to how the new goals should be executed, each strategic step that establishes the strategic intentions requires the implementation of a generalized yet specific communication system so that the procedures are carried out or reinforced (Johnson, 2002). However, the weaknesses in the essence of this strategic plan are that the strategies to be implemented are insufficient and they do not have a definite time for …show more content…

Secondly, learning about Organizational Behavior (OB), which was identified as normally examining the analysis of an individual's qualifications in the organizational environment, and understanding how individuals associated with each other, are identified by, three fundamental factors, and these were classified as the individual, the human collective, and the specific organization (Mitchelle, 1982).
Thirdly, learning the importance of Interpersonal and group relationships. Assessing the business, their practice of perception, and the intercommunications of individuals. Further research identified that the organization should have a bond with the community and continuous efficient communication. Based on the readings, sound, direct, and efficient communication is necessary for all organizations to promote their values advertise their products and give new and existing information to all areas of the organization and to the public (Ferrell et al., 2016) Thus, effective communication is fundamental for all organization's