Obesity In America Essay

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In America, More than two-thirds, or 68.8 percent of adults over 20 are considered to be overweight or obese (NIDDK). Obesity in the United States is a widespread topic throughout the world. Especially in America, it is addressed as an issue by important figures such as first lady Michelle Obama, and portrayed and discussed in the media. Shows like My 600 pound life, The Biggest Loser, and an endless amount of documentaries have aired, showing the dangers and struggles of obesity such as dangerous and often fatal heart diseases, diabetes, increased blood pressure, and a higher risk for strokes. But what lead to the soaring numbers of obese individuals in our country? What lead to the increase in deaths by heart disease? It is likely …show more content…

Yet, carbs can actually be beneficial to a person's diet, if you eat the right kind. Processed foods are filled with refined carbs, or the “bad” carbs. When whole grains have been separated, or in some way depleted of nutrients, it turns into a refined carbohydrate. One of the problems with refined carbohydrates is that they digest a lot faster than whole carbohydrates, so they leave you feeling hungry and wanting more, which can easily lead to overeating (Authority nutrition). Overeating is a large problem in America because it very often leads to obesity. It was found that over 2 out of 3 adults in America were considered obese in a survey done in 2010 (NIDDK). When you consume more calories than your body can burn at once, or overeating, that is when a person can start to become overweight. Another danger of refined carbs, relating to overeating is called the “blood sugar roller coaster.” It occurs when carbs are rapidly digested, causing spikes in blood sugar. After a few hours, the levels of blood sugars crash and the body craves more carbs. This can turn into an endless cycle, connected to overeating, and eventually obesity, which has many dangers in itself. Obesity increases the risk for many types of cancer and heart

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