Obesity In America Essay

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Obesity is one of the top problems in America. There are many problems causing obesity like eating fast-food and lack of exercise. Many people choose fast-food if they are in a hurry or really don’t feel like cooking a healthy meal. This is causing health problems throughout the world. Obesity has yet to stop but people do take into consideration of how they want to look like and they want to feel. So they start out with diets, some people even go on to t.v. shows to prove themselves better. So here are some causes of obesity and problems to solve this issue.
Obesity is a worldwide problem in America. “Nearly two-thirds of adult Americans are overweight or obese” (Clinical Diabetes). We always eat larger proportions than we are supposed to. Instead of practicing with diets and activity plans all we do is practice on our “super-sizing”. According to the document you are still starving ourselves even though we’re still eating fast-food. Americans eat 31 percent packaged foods rather than fresh foods. The food companies make more food and make it cheap but has no nutritional value to any of their foods. The fast food industry is not effectively charged for their contribution to environmental destruction around the world, or even …show more content…

“Don’t go on a crash diet, these lead to rebound eating” (Solving Obesity Problems). Start your diet by reducing the calories 300-500 for a month. Look at a food pyramid to see what types we can and can’t eat. Always start small with anything we do. “Always work to achieve your goals and don’t shock your body”(Solving Obesity Problems). Having a journal or diary to write out all the struggles and keep track with how much food and the calories in the food we’ve eaten. When we keep a notebook it shows you how much you have gotten through and we feel so much better about yourself. This will help you work through your food problems. Always get moving, don’t sit around, get your

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