Obesity In America Essay

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Do you consider yourself to be skinny or overweight? How would you feel if every day you were bullied or discriminated against because of your weight? How would you feel if even you own parents looked at you weird because you are overweight? Many people in the United States are discriminated against and bullied every day because they are heavier than others, and in some cases it's not even their fault that they are overweight.

Many think that going against overweight people is okay in today's society, “Weight bias remains very socially acceptable in North America” (Puhl). In reality bullying and discriminating against overweight people is definitely not okay, Rebecca Puhl states “The statistics on bullying are upsetting. In …show more content…

Mark Hyman states, “The food America is served is biologically addictive. So, willpower is a fiction. You can’t just eat less and exercise more.The food industry deliberately creates addictive products (nearly 600,000!) and lies about the science behind it.The food environment is toxic and the food industry pretends to be part of the solution while actually making us sicker and fatter.Government and “independent” professional organizations like the American Nutrition and Dietetic Association (AND) are corrupted by food industry money.Obesity and chronic disease (diabetes, heart disease, cancer) are contagious, and we need a public health campaign, policy changes and community-based solutions to cure them” (Hyman). These are just a couple of the many conditions of being fat may be an effect of depression or the most frequent medical disease, diabetes. This long informational quote also comes in tact with how would you know if someone that is overweight has these conditions? You simply don't know just by looking at them, that is why no overweight person should be put down because of their weight, even if it is their fault they are fat they should still not be put

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