Essay On Obesity In America

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The Problem of Obesity in America

Out of all the adults in our country, more than one third of them or about thirty-six percent are obese.The leading result is the accumulation of fat too such an extent that health is negatively affected, called obesity. When talking about obesity in a country like America, where the problem is especially widespread and urgent, understanding the most probable causes and factors of obesity is important in order to come up with a solution to deal with this issue in the United States.

The view many other countries have on us dealing with obesity is mainly negative. America is the richest but, also the fattest nation in the world, which in result carries negative reflections and the start of crude jokes to the rest of the world. In order to change this we must change many key factors like diet, exercise,and eating smarter. Arguments may arise that obesity is genetically predisposed and there is little the government can do about this fact. For example, it is common to conclude certain races have more of a tendency to be obese.That is proven to be false, hence, the variety of races in the United States that are all obese. …show more content…

One of those factors is the factor of eating habits. One of the causes for obesity is that Americans have a tendency towards consuming excessive fast food and drinking soda. The effects of the over consumption can lead to many life threatening diseases and even death.Cheap overly processed food is another problem we seem to be struggling with. Large chain companies like Mcdonald's make unhealthy food available for low prices. Making healthy food more appealing and available could be a way to change this

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