Obesity Persuasive Speech

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This Why People Become Obese
Can you believe that 38% of American people have obesity?In America 20% of people have ADHD which can be related to obesity. (Cnbc) About 38% of Americans have obesity, well are you obese? Do you need help finding the right path? Do you need help figuring out how to prevent it and stop it? Before we do all that you need to know all the stats and general information about it. First of all I will be telling you everything their is to be know about the topic. Second of all I will be teaching you all the main cause and reasons you may have obesity. And lastly I will give you some helpful tips and ways you can prevent it in the future; what you can do to stop it and I will be talking to you about a medication you could …show more content…

According to (Mayo Clinic,2017) obesity is a disorder that involves an excess amount of BMI. This is starting to be a cosmic concern. And the most important one, you have a higher risk of getting diseases that are long term or that will impact you in the future. The only way you can find out if you’re obese is by going to a doctor and asking him what your BMI. If you are about 30% and up them yes you are considered an obese person.. (Mayo clinic- symptoms) there are 3 stages/phases that you may be classified into, such as, 30.0 to 34.9, if you are anywhere in this area then you are barely obese. Which means that you are in ( class I ). The second class that you can be associated with is 35.0 to 39.9, if you are anywhere near that then you are going to be classified as obese in (class II). And the last stage you would classified in is (class III) which means you would have to have a BMI of about 40.0 or …show more content…

One of the most important steps to take is to set a reasonable goal. You need to reach low to get where you want to be. For example set a goal where you can lose 5 to 10 percent of body fat. This can lead to good improvements in health and this can also reduce your risk of getting such risk factors that I have mentioned above( Cpf.com). The next thing you should start to incorporate is a daily routine. One of the things you need to do is start a dietary plan and if you are really committed to losing weight and you really want to change then you need to follow your own personal routine that benefits you, You need to start exercising regularly. No matter what the exercise is you need to do it at least 3 to 4 times a week to see results in the long run. The most important one is changing your behavior, if you want this routine to work you need to commit to it and stick to it ( Mayo

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