Oral Testing Persuasive Essay

448 Words2 Pages

Hypothesis -
Is it more effective to do at test that children find fun, instead of a test that can put a lot of pressure on them?
I think that test two will be easier for the children to complete but may take longer and may receive better or worse results .

Introduction -
My project is based on finding out what is more effective a fun oral test that kids enjoy or a traditional written test. In order to find out what is more effective I ran two different tests on two different classes with 17 students each. Test one was a traditional test that has the normal treat of doing badly and the self satisfaction of doing well but test two had a reward of a chocolate and with no threat of doing badly besides not getting a prize.

Method -
Set a time …show more content…

Class 2 - Class 2 got an average of 8.8/20 or 44% but most children were happy to do the test but most kids started coping the child who knew all the answers so they could get the points as well without knowing the answer.
In conclusion test 1 was more effective than test 2 because test 1 had more pressure to do well, the actual test in front of them and the had more time to think about the answers then class 2 did as well as the kids in class two weren't always honest about their answers making the test an inaccurate way of testing.

Website - http://study.com/academy/lesson/standardized-tests-in-education-advantages-and-disadvantages.html www.testpublishers.org/testing-in-schools http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/mar99/vol56/num06/Why-Standardized-Tests-Don%27t-Measure-Educational-Quality.aspx Written -
Mrs. Morgan, Grade 5, Introduction to Matter and Materials, pgs 1 - 5
