Standardized Testing In America Essay

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Why is the disagreement with standardized tests a big deal in schools? The real question is, “Is the use of Standardized Tests Improving Education In America?” Many students would agree that testing is not improving education in America. I disagree with standardized testing because it is to excessive and it is used as an inaccurate comparison tool. Standardized tests does not show student achievements, does not show reliable measures of student achievement, and does not show the methods of a teachers study.

Standardized Testing has not improved student achievement. I read the article “Students Tests Do Not effectively Measure student Achievement”, and the article quotes, Daniel Kortez, psychometrician, who stated, “Tests can measure only a portion of the goals of education, which are necessarily broader and more inclusive than the test could possible be….” I also read the article “is the use of Standardized Tests Improving Education in America”, the author quoted a May 26, 2011, National …show more content…

Also, the teacher is having to teach to the test, instead of teaching the subject that is suppose to be taught. In the article “Is the Use of Standardized Test Improving Education in America?”, the author stated, “A five-year of Maryland study completed in 2007 found the pressure teachers were feeling to ‘[teach to the test] since NCLB was leading to ‘[declines in teaching higher-order thinking, in the amount of time spent on complex assignments, and in the actual amount of high cognitive content in the curriculum.]”’ I also read “Pros & Cons of standardized Tests”, the author also stated, “Teachers may end up ‘teaching to the test rather than giving students a deeper understanding of a subject.”’ In my opinion it’s not fair to students because we get taught how to pass a state test. Teachers are to busy “teaching to the test”, they can’t teach what is needed to be