Arguments Against Standardized Testing

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For as long as public education has existed in America, discussions on how the education should be managed have always been disputed. The way we educate our future generations of Americans is constantly changing because of these disputes. In recent years however, the way we educate the students of America has been failing. We have not taken the correct tactics and strategies to keep our students up to date with the best ways in education. Instead, we have come up with a strategy to teach that we call “Standardized Testing.” This brings one question into the light: Is standardized testing really teaching and preparing our students in the best way possible? This is a question that has yet to be answered. The American public education system must be changed to meet the needs of today and the best way …show more content…

You cannot expect an athlete to perform like a world-class player when they are receiving the complete opposite of world-class training, so why would we expect a future professional to build their knowledge when all they are doing in class is testing? In an interview professor Mark Naison expresses his opinions on the American public education system. He goes on to argue: “(Test Prep) prepares you for none of the kind of skills for the work force unless you work at McDonalds.” Quite ironic when you put into consideration how many high school dropouts are currently employed at business franchises like McDonalds. That statement alone effectively demonstrates how the education system today is only failing to meet the needs of today. Naison purposely wants the American people to see how bad testing is preparing students for the future. Testing is only limiting how far students will make it in life. It isn’t preparing them for life ahead of high school but instead it’s holding them back from reaching their true