
Organizational Culture And Leadership Paper

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You have a very nice intuitive post. I agree that organizational culture and leadership go hand in hand. More so, a strong leader is definitely needed to help the organization be able to sustain itself, especially in times of a crisis. I further agree that in order for an organization to be successful that effective leadership is needed and employees must have confidence in their leader to be able to see them through difficult times.

Moreover, when good leadership is in place in a company, it can be felt throughout the entire organization. Essentially, with good leadership, organizational culture is not constrained and forced, it is developed. Further, communication is open and constant. Likewise, when there is good effective leadership, …show more content…

However, poor leadership is looked down upon. Likewise, organizational culture becomes an insignificant and pointless term where leaders claim it exists. All the while, poor leadership can cause employees to shake their heads in frustration. Furthermore, being under a leader that is unsure and lack the necessary traits and attributes of a good leader tends to lead to a lack of clear, consistent communication from leadership to the employees. As a result, employees are uncertain about the company’s goals and objectives for success and they have no idea how they fit into the big picture of the organization, or what their level of importance is toward making it happen (Anderson, …show more content…

The last several years, Jim Sinegal has steered his company Costco to impactful returns. More so, Costco's stock has doubled, and revenues continue to grow at an admirable rate. Moreover, Jim Sinegal who is better known as a man of the people at Costco. His name tag visibly says "Jim," he answers his own phone, and his plain office at the company headquarters doesn't even have walls. Essentially, while other CEOs are spending tens of thousands of dollars just decorating their offices, Jim pays himself a yearly salary of $350,000. Despite the fact that most CEOs of large company are paid in the millions. Further, his simple contract is only a page long, and even includes a section that outlines how he can be terminated for not doing his work. Many question how did Jim Sinegal come up with the number of $350,000? Well he based on the fact that he should not be be paid more than 12 people working on the floor. All in all, his employee turnover rate is the lowest in the retail industry. This shows a great example of a leader and how he institutes incorporating a culture that even the employees desire and enjoy. Further, no work is beneath him and he would not ask his employees to do anything he would not do. One thing about this leader is that his actions are demonstrated in the work he performs. Jim Sinegal is a rarity and in essence, his workers love him for

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