Perception In Law Enforcement Essay

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Some of the strategies law enforcement leaders can implement to improve the public's perception of law enforcement. Is to positively work with the people in the community to give them an understanding of what the law enforcement profession is all about. The leaders can use the media to show the people of the community what the officers go through with the training the agency provides. The officers should be put through there paces of different defense tactics training, firearms and driving training. Have the media ask the officers to describe what they did and why. Just to give the community an understanding of why officers do the things they do in certain situations.
Another is for the leaders to always support their officers when they do the right things, and to make sure to punish them fairly when they do something wrong or incorrectly. They must provide support and training for the officers that did something wrong so they can learn so they don’t make the same mistake again. The leaders must conduct a fair internal investigation on incidence on officers that need an internal investigation. Being able to discipline or correct the officer or officers after the investigation. After a widely incident covered by the media in the community they must provide training on it and …show more content…

It is what the public feels about the police based on what they see day from day from the officers. Perception is the reality to the public. It is the behavior of the officers that can put a negative image on the police force and its up to the police leader to minimize or even eliminate the problems. It is the positive image of the police in the United States that is critical more than any other time in history. Its is up to the police leaders to take a step back and evaluate the negative factors and it up to others to determine if the officers are an integral part of the negative police image