Personal Code Of Ethics Essay

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In life we all decide what is right and what’s wrong for us whether it was taught to us or we learned while growing up. Ethics can be defined in a number of ways, but it all boils down to morality. Ethics is a set of moral principles that are established for a particular group of people such as ethnicity, school and religious groups. Morality is what holds a particular group together, because without that morality, there would be dysfunction within the group. This does not necessarily means that they will all agree on everything but there is a norm that they all follow.
Philosophers over the ages have argued what is right and what is wrong or neither. We might be from a particular group, but we all have some type of individual principle that …show more content…

People adapt to the culture they were born in, they learn from each other and accept each other within their culture. Even though one can move from one culture to another, that culture that they were born in is still instill in them. They may adjust to the culture they are now in, but they still a connection with their culture. I grew up in Jamaica and on Sundays no one was allowed to eat out. We all cook dinner as a family together and eat together as a family. Even though I now live in America and there's a restaurant at every block I will never eat out on Sunday. I made it my priority to cook every …show more content…

We learn the values at home at an early age before we start school and interacting with other people and peers. We learn the little things at home such as thank you, you are welcome, good morning etc. These little things help to build a person as they grow older. This doesn’t mean he/she will grow into a perfect individual, but the little simple things are important to teach at an early age. No one wants their child to go on the street and be rude to the elderly or curse in the streets. This is bringing up the child in the right way. Without a clear definition for right or wrong there would be a lot of dysfunction in society. People would do whatever they feel like without thinking about consequences. Life itself would lose meaning and direction for most individuals. One should know what is right or wrong so that they have something to direct them on a path whether it be good or

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