Personal Narrative: My Father

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dad Is it wrong that i dont pray for you? I dont know im not sure. i wish you were here. I hate school. But oh well. I play guitar now. ive been playing for 5 years now. I want to learn how to sing. I suck.People say im good but they're lying. Just like you did. No-one listens to me. Im sick and tired of people treating me like a child.Im not. im 13 years old. Im mature. I can do what ever the hell i want. I want true friends. But we dont always get what we want. For example i want you here next to me but no you out there doing drugs. But who cares. Im now a youtuber. I just made my fist video on Saturday.i dont know what else to write. I miss you. i love you. Please get clean ... for me please. i love you so freaking much. -Lottie Dad …show more content…

Nothing new your probably wondering why im here. Its because i needed my beauty sleep but the teachers here dont understand that. I slept in your shirt. It brings back so many memories. It hurts kinda but im used to it. it still has your scent through i put all of your stuff in my Secret Box. but back to detentions. I remember my first detiont. It was the first week of school. this 7th grader michael Bear hit me and so i of course punch him back of course i guess those weeks of my boxing traning work out really good because i left a nasty bruise.Then i thought of you. Do you care? i get despondent becasue i rlize you were the first man to break my heart. It's not fair. I started to realize society isnt fair neither is life. I mean i always knew it. I knew that since i was in preschool so when i was 4 or 5. Ever since they took mom away thats when i started to become depress and all that sadnees turn into angr. i was made against the world so then i grew indeoednt at age 10 and started to be a rebel. Soon at the age of 10 i git sent away. i took my twin's pills 6 of them excaty early in the moring before church. I saw her dad i saw Gemma. i thought i was going to die becasue shes dead so how the hell would i see her. So i strated to cry and my "grandma" came and i dont know how but i told her and i got sent to the hostipal and stayed there for 2 weeks till they sent me to a mental hopstial.You never knew that through. Im not surpised.