Personal Narrative: My Leadership Skills

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My leadership skills were a 72, meaning excellent. Minus the fact that I lack self-confidence. I read an article that I got off of the website that we take out assessments on, about how to gain more self-confidence. I also shared that bit with my family and they were not surprise and neither was I. I believe in others more then I believe in myself, as odd as that sounds, but my dad told me that I cannot become a great leader if I do not believe in myself first. I have recently decided to do more about that. I have taken in more at work so that has boost my confidence. With the amount of new work also came a partner, in which I am the lead with our projects. Luckily I scored a 68 in my management skills assessment. So far I like the new role …show more content…

I was even more surprised that I scored a 17/20 on managing difference, not saying that I start trouble when there is a difference but I didn 't think I managed it that way. Go figure. Which brings me to the also not so surprising score of having a 59 on my anger management. I get so mad at times on certain situations; mostly situations that are out of my control. I scored low on understanding what causes my anger and problem solving. Well we already know for module three that my problem solving skills are a hit and miss, so I am guessing that when I miss the problem solving mark that my anger spikes. It all boils down to me being too hard on myself and needing to take time to understand what happen, what went wrong and figure out a clear solution. In this assessment, my communication skills were high and my control. Not surprising, I have no problem in letting someone know why I am upset and working on how to fix that problem. I usually control my anger by finding an outlet, either taking a walk, counting to ten, or listening to music; I will even go talk to myself and talk about what