Personal Narrative: My Strengths Finder

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When I took the Strengths Finders quiz, my five strengths were Strategic, Futuristic, Individualization, Competition, and Achiever. So, my initial reaction was that I wasn’t too surprised but it was interesting. Most of the results, I already knew about myself, but what stood out to me was, it was all true! As I’m reading the details of my results for my strengths, I’m Strategic person. I have to strategize everything from my household, to my business needs. If anything is unorganized to me, I am out of order. Futuristically, I see things happen before it happens, kind of physic. When I look at certain situations and things in front of me I always play things out step by step before it even happens. Individualization, I’m good at figuring people out, who they are , what they …show more content…

I need to generate many alternatives before making the decisions, like study the facts along with all the information that’s provided and reproduce. As a leader, I need to make both quality and appropriate choices for not just me, but for everyone. Another Trait is to be good at dealing and resolving conflict among my staff. The foundation of working effectively with people is being very good at dealing with conflict. The reality is that conflict is going to happen between staff and they are going to think things should be done differently. I should expect it. The trick is not to have conflict but be counterproductive. I will learn how to successfully resolve conflict among my staff and believe the best ideas will come from them. Lastly, be a trusted leader. I know people want to follow and achieve great things. As a trusted leader I will get more from my staff and have a stronger following. I will be someone my staff can trust and be able to communicate effectively with me, but I know I have to earn their trust and that will take some