Personal Statement

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Marketing is my current major because I love seeing how marketing works, every day. I have never, really understood how marketing worked; nor how I could walk into Target for milk and leave with a cart full of clothing, makeup, and shoes with no milk. As I started working for my first retail job, in a department store and taking college classes; I began to realize how these things occurred and it wasn’t by accident. I fell in love with it! It is so exciting to see how certain items sell faster because of where they are positioned on the floor or how the customer behaves or responds to a product. Since I have started college, I have worked a few retail jobs and I have fallen in love with working retail; however it isn’t for the customer service. …show more content…

The buzz is to help one another and to support each other get ahead and become successful. The retail industry can appear to be very glamorous, however I chose DePaul to get a well-rounded idea on Marketing in other industries and to better myself for after graduation. I do not enjoy marketing only in the retail industry, I really appreciate all areas of business and the applications they have in the real world. My personal downfall is that I want to do everything, I currently have two jobs, I am a full time student and I still want to make time to join clubs and explore the beautiful city I live in. Picking one discipline to focus on in school was difficult for me, I chose business because I am so enthralled with it. Deciding on marketing was a difficult choice too, I want to work with others and travel, I don’t enjoy monotony and I want to work with new products in an exciting work environment. I love reading and understanding sales numbers and leadership roles, which I assumed would make me a good business manager however that was not something I was interested in. Marketing speaks to me in a way, that it seems strange to others. With marketing, I am able to express my creative and my business interests into