Personal Statement

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The need to care for others I feel motivated when I can help someone and seeing them take my advice. It’s like an accomplishment when you get to help others and see them make a change for the better in their life. My friends would usually ask me for advice or help in academic wise and in relationship or personal issues, and being able to help them makes me feel significant and grateful. I personal enjoy helping others and I try my best to help as much as I can even though I may not be able to resolve the problem. Helping someone involves you to have to empathize and care for that person to be able to understand their situation and to aid them with your full potential. In my daily life at work, home or in school I find myself always trying to help someone, from a simple task to something more personal, and trying to help someone makes me care for them. After realizing that I enjoy helping others and caring for them, it motivates and influences me to try my studies in the field of social services. The need to care for others is very important and is a requirement in working in the social service area. It will guide and help me to be able to fully help my clients. For me to help and show that I am trying my best to aid them I must care for them. If I don’t care about them that will show to my clients and they might not want or trust my helping (Ramsarran, 2017). Despite this typical need being an assist, …show more content…

Some challenges that I might face can be that my clients don’t want my help and they can be in a bad mood or situation where they can be a bit rude or offensive and it may be hard for me

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