Personal Statement: A Career As A Social Worker

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Imagine for a moment that you are sitting in a courtroom in a custody battle. The judge has ruled for the child to go with their mother, but you can tell by the look on the child’s face that this is the worst thing that could happen. I desire to be that person for the child and to have their best interest in mind. Every child deserves some structure in their life and to be with people who love them. Sometimes the best thing which can be the hardest is for them to be separated from their parents. Why do you want to be a social worker seems like an easy answer, because I want to help people, but there is so much more that goes into that answer that is extremely difficult to put into a few pages. I want to be a social worker because …show more content…

Diversity is extremely important in this field. When the word diversity comes to mind, I first think of the literal definition of diversity which is: the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, and then I question what it means to me. Diversity can include many things such as ethnicity, race, religion, gender and sexual orientation just to name a few. Diversity means “understanding that each person is unique and recognizing our individual differences.” People learn how to think, speak, and behave in the culture in which they are raised. My greatest concern with the diversity in our society is that we are not diverse enough. There are many regions in which diversity plays a substantial part and then there are other regions that have never witnessed diversity. The world is becoming increasingly more diverse each day. Most of society today, views diversity as a positive experience because it gives individuals a chance to have a new understanding of new cultures. However, diversity is not being encouraged in our society. Some people would prefer not to associate themselves with other races or religions. What these individuals don’t understand is diversity is a positive experience. Diversity ushers in a new way of thinking. Through school, my social life and work I have experienced different cultures. In order for our society to flourish diversity needs to be a part of it. The difficulty with our society is that we have all forgotten that we once all immigrated to America. At one time our society was extremely diverse with different colors, languages, and religions. The fact is we are all humans and deserve