
Personal Statement

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There are stages in life that one must complete to become successful. Oftentimes, we don't realize that we must get through the initial stage of life, in order to proceed on to the next. Every stage of life we do not successfully complete creates resistance for the success, we are truly trying to achieve. Being that we are forever evolving, it’s never too late to improve our quality of life. When it comes to my personal life journey, a high school diploma would increase my financial income, so I can provide for my family, it would motivate me to continue to obtain more knowledge and it would also give me the opportunity for the career path that I want. Therefore, obtaining my high school diploma is a goal I must achieve. Many young students don't realize the importance of a high school diploma. For years I was a part of those very student who didn’t understand the importance of this milestone, that society says is essential. The support I had didn’t motivate me to finish high …show more content…

My marriage and children brought on a whole different set of responsibilities that I needed to tend to. I found myself trying to balance the responsibilities of work and family and I never found the motivation to start school again. To this very day I think a lot about what life would be like if I hadn't dropped out of school and pursued college. As a child I always wanted to be someone of importance, someone who made a difference, so I often found myself questioning, “Where did I go wrong?” I often wonder about how I may have disappointed my parents and how they never got to see me graduate. As a parent, being able to see my children graduate is one of the many things I look forward to. My children’s graduation will allow them to feel the accomplishment it took me so long to get. Once I do finish this stage of my life it will also feel rewarding knowing that I was able to be the support system for them that I didn’t

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