Personal Statement

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Helen Keller once said, “Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved”. Initially, my desire to pursue a medical career was inspired by my own battle with Stage IV Neuroblastoma at the age of six months old. I was given a 25% chance of survival due to the advanced state of my tumor. My chances of survival were low, however, I was fortunate enough to overcome the odds when they were stacked against me. As I grew older and my doctors made me more aware of how grave my previous illness actually was, I was amazed how my doctors were able to heal me, and I realized that I wanted to help others the way that my doctors were able to help me. Although I knew I wanted to strive for a career in medicine, I did not have a longing or desire for any specific field until my father was …show more content…

During a Cellular Biology course, I was exposed to underlying biological mechanisms that lead to certain medical conditions. I was amazed by the processes that occur on a cellular level that keep our bodies functioning, but also how these same processes can wreak-havoc. In addition, outside of the academic realm, I gained clinical experience through volunteering at the University of Virginia Hospital and the Lackey Free Clinic near my hometown. Whether I was telling a potential patient that they could receive medical care at the free clinic, delivering surgical supplies to OR rooms, or helping a patient take their mind off of their hospitalization by providing supplies for art therapy, every moment I got to interact with a patient was worthwhile and reinforced my career interest. All my experiences helped me realize that I want to strive to become a physician to show families love, care, and compassion while doing everything in my capacity to heal