
Persuasive Essay About Changing The Start Time

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When you were a child, how many times did your parents and authoritative figures change the rules because it was too hard to do or you didn’t want to do it? When you were a child, if you thought something was difficult or hard to do, your parents made you do it anyway right? They didn’t baby you and they didn’t hold your hand. They definitely didn’t change the rules to make it easier for you, and they certainly wouldn't do it now when you are a growing teen. This is why changing the starting times for schools is not a smart idea. It will only formulate more problems instead of making it better. Not only will it affect High School students, but it will also affect middle school students, elementary school students, teachers, and parents as well.
If the superintendent is considering changing the start times then how will we be able to finish our homework AND go to practice after? Many teens play multiple sports a day and changing the start times will affect the amount of time we have after school to do our homework AND go to practice. We hardly have enough time as it is and they are trying to change it so we get out even later. I have swim practice for two hours every day so as soon as I get home from …show more content…

First of all, do we have millions of dollars to spend? If we did then would it be worth it to spend it on something like this? Many schools are in need of new supplies, technology, and school repairs. This money would be help better if we used it to upgrade schools and get them the supplies they need to learn. Even if they did change the time the teens would probably just go to sleep even later so that wouldn't help at all. Students would learn better and get better grades if they have the technologies and supplies they deserve. Giving the money to schools in need would benefit the school, teachers, and students more than just changing the start

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