Persuasive Essay About High School Sports

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Could you imagine a world without football, soccer, basketball, and baseball? Currently in The U.S, college and professional sports are a huge source of entertainment. There is much controversy over sports being helpful or discouraging for youth. Many school leaders debate, how much money they should spend on sports rather than academics, and if the school should even keep sports. High school sports have many positive effects on high school athletes. High school sports promote athletes to have high grades, confidence, and teach them life lessons.

Playing sports of any kind can help with grades. Typically school coaches will only allow the child to play on their team if they are passing all their classes. The pressure of sports and coaches, pushes the children to do their best all the time. Many people are looking up to them so they are very much so compelled to have high grades. Reported by video two “When the sport season is over the grades seem to drop” (Michael Lorenc). This is evidence that the pressure of sports actually improves students tenacity to handle school work. …show more content…

I am sure you remember in high school how the jocks were praised for their games. One of the best feelings is the support of a team that is always behind you. And playing a sport (weather it is competitive or not) gives you just that. According to a blog 10 Reasons Why High School Sports Benefit Students “Students bond together over a common passion, and the time they spend together at practice and games builds tight bonds that often last long after high school is over.” Playing sports brings kids together that have matching fire, that starts many friendships. Having good friends boosts your confidence because they are constantly uplifting you with “good job”, “ Nice game” and “ you did well today”. Which in the end creates an amazing feeling that says you can achieve anything you