Persuasive Essay About Legalizing Marijuana

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Are people becoming more dependent on marijuana? How come it isn’t legal nation wide? My uncle always told me “a little weed never hurt anybody” but I wasn’t sure at that age he was right. Today marijuana is one of the most abused drugs in America. The criminalization of marijuana use disproportionately harms young people and people of color sponsors massive levels of violence and corruption and fails to curb youth. Honestly I haven’t heard of too many cases where using marijuana caused a person to come down with an illness or die. The use of marijuana by people under the age of eighteen has drastically increased since 2010. Cannabis also known as marijuana becomes an addiction once you have abused it. Depending on how bad the addiction is users tend to break habits by not smoking or just using another way to …show more content…

There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are African Americans, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Some users prefer to smoke it out of a pipe and others out of a joint. Others would cigars called “blunts” and refill the cigar with marijuana. The vaporizer is probably the most popular use for marijuana because you don’t have to inhale. Legalizing and regulating marijuana will bring the nation’s largest cash crop under the rule of law. This could open up opportunities and create jobs for those people who cannot pass a drug test. Believe it or not marijuana can channel in millions of dollars legally for the nation if it were legalized nationally. You got some states who are progressing as a state and you got some states throwing people under the jail house because of a twenty dollar bag of weed was found in the vehicle. Legalization of marijuana could be an asset to the human people by creating jobs, legitimate medical affects and it’s less harmful than