-Scientists have a specific responsibility to evade unnecessarily and minimize the pain in the treatments (replacement reduction refinement 3Rs). (Gannon,2007,p.519,para.4). Source 3 The ethics of animal research (Simon festing and Robin Wilkinson) -Implementation of laws that enables people to know more about the researches -The conducted regulated and controlled animal researches in addition to the implementation of the 3Rs and the use of compute models, human cell lines helped to lower our reliance on animals ” Approximately 2.7 million regulated animal procedures were conducted in 2003 in the UK—half the number performed 30 years ago”(Festing &Wilkinson,2007,p.528,para.3). -There exist solution to reduce animal testing like the use of cell culture based tests and Microdosing techniques , the inherent limitation of some non animal tests, and good experimental design and many others techniques like cooling and magnetic resonance thathelps to reduce the use of animals.
Currently, human’s life is accorded a higher value than animal’s life (Singer, 1973) . The animal has been used in genetic manipulation experiments, but it is illegal to use human subjects in similar research activities. Human believes they have authority over animals hence it is difficult to prevent them from using animals for research especially when the results are not
Although the experimentation of animals has furthered medical knowledge, it should not be allowed because it is brutal and animals are unable to give their approval. In order to do a study on humans it must be authorized by them, where animals are unable to give consent, which strikes questions in the world of science on whether this is morally acceptable. Although animal experimentation can result in saving the lives of millions, many find it to be cruel and unjust. Seeing as animals are unable to speak for themselves, they are still able to express their emotions through their behavior.
It is also not uncommon for animals to be used in the classroom. To help with biology studies, students would have had to dissect an animal to understand the workings of the anatomy (Watson 9-10). Of course, not just anybody can start cutting up an animal and do things to it. One has to first get approval and give proper reasoning for the experimentation (“Animal Experimentation” 62). But even with all these medical breakthroughs, we actually no longer need to implement the practice of animal testing in this day and age mainly because of three reasons: it is an unethical act, there are differences in biological structures and finally, alternatives can be used that will greatly reduce the number of animal
Animal experimentation or animal research, refer to experimentation carried out on animals, this testing is used for countless product and applications. It is unethical to realize this several test on animals because they can get hurt and suffer pain, moreover in most of the case the experiments are not guaranteed until the product is on the market. Experimenting on animals is a way to protect person from the side effect that new products can cause in human health. Everyday medical, cosmetic and other companies are trying to create new products, but the problem with these new products is that are unpredictable to the health. For example the animals and the humans share hundreds of disease including cancer, diabetes, arthritis and others, a
Have you ever been the guinea pig when something new is being testing This happens to animals when new medicines are being tested. My topic is animal testing for medicine. This means that animals receive medication before humans can have it. This is done to make sure that the medication is safe. This is topic that has been debated for decades.
Animal experimentation is a useless practice that needs to come to an end. Many scientist have found that most of the studies that come from animal experimentations for testing drugs for humans have failed and aren’t very successful. “Nine out of 10 experimental drugs that pass animal studies fail in humans … (Moore 1).” Most are unsuccessful because of the difference in human biology compared to an animal’s biology. “The few that are approved often need to be relabeled or pulled from the market after they sicken or kill human patients (Moore 1).”
Animals should not be used to test our products because they are living creatures and have feelings too. Our products that we love so much, are the same things that are killing the animals. Humans are not a superior species on this planet; we share it. Do we really need a luxury item that much that we need to use an innocent animal? Animals are our pets, we treat them like family.
Most scientists use testing to better understand a subject such as an anatomy or to find cures for certain diseases or cancers. Not everyone agree with testing on animals, they in fact think that it is very harmful to them. As of late, the act of utilizing creatures for biomedical research has gone under serious feedback by animal protection and animal rights groups. Germain states, “The debate around the use of animals in science is an old one, and despite important differences and developments since the 19th century, one can only be struck by the underlying continuity in its themes” (75). Some of the scientist experimentation has drawn red flags by animal rights groups.
Animals are used so much for testing an research an not having a choice or say on what they do. For some people this would seem like a nightmare not being able to tell someone no. For animals this is all reality animals don’t have a voice to say no, so they have to suffer through it all. As said in an article 'Animals are routinely cut open, poisoned an put into cages weeks, months, or even years" (Ocean Lu Blog). Animals don't deserve to be treated in such horrible ways for humans to be able to use products.
Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will know about the problem of conducting experiments on animals and the ethical issue of the cruel treatment of animals by the researchers. While the problem of conducting experiments on animals draws attention of the society, the speech would present the limitation of animal experiments and outline the alternatives. Central Idea: 1. Conducting experiments on animals has become one of crucial ethical issues of the modern society and it has even been banned in some countries.
Should animals be suffering just because humans are trying to advance our medical techniques? Should they be forced to eat? Should people be allowed to torture them this way? Do you think so? In fact, more than 100 million animals are killed each year during scientific and commercial testing, in the U.S alone.
Imagine an enraged animal rights activist charging toward a scientist in a white lab coat, desperate to free the little mice that are being used as test subjects. Although comical, this scene may be quite accurate when describing the passion that animal lovers have when it comes to the touchy subject of animal testing. For centuries, animal testing has been used in the medical research field, however many are now beginning to question whether it is ethical. Millions of animals are killed per year due to animal testing, so is this practice worth banning? Animal testing is a controversial subject, with supporters pointing out the medical advances that have stemmed from animal research and animal rights activists declaring it cruel and immoral.
“No matter whether it’s someone from the political left or right, we just need a voice to stand up and defend animal rights” a quote from Brigitte Bardot on animal experimentation. Animal experimentation has been going on for over 300 years and this is just what has been recorded in records. There are many types of test performed on animals:Draize Test: A laboratory test in which a cosmetic or drug is dropped into a rabbit 's eyes, which are held open with clips, to determine the level of irritation. Named after John Henry Draize, a twentieth century pharmacologist with the United States Food and Drug Administration.
Science researches believe that products which have been tested on animals will make humans’ life better. However, the main concern on this issue is that animals are suffering from unnecessary pain. Animals are mostly exposed to radiation, forced to inhale poisonous gases and injected with harmful substances prior to the experiment. Thus, animal testing should be banned because it is cruel, the result is unreliable and expensive.