Persuasive Essay On After School

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STEM programs, especially ones from K-12 education, are one of the most popular programs that parents look for to place their children into. The word STEM has become a key word for parents to the point where the word is becoming a factor on how parents choose an after-school program. A study done by America After 3pm, a program from America Alliance that support and studies the effects STEM after-school programs on children and communities, reveals that parents consider STEM as one of several other factors of choosing an afterschool program. They have also found that there is a difference between access to STEM opportunities and participation in STEM learning. There is higher rate of parent satisfaction towards after-school STEM programs that have their children participate in numerous activities to help their children gain STEM skills rather than having them learning STEM, where they can easily forget it if it is put to use. With STEMovative, we’ll provide those opportunities for children to get hands-on …show more content…

With lower income families, usually, both parents are working, and it’s hard to watch your child, or children, if you cannot be home for them. That is why many of them turn to after-school programs and care. Even through STEM has become a factor in choosing a primary after-school program for parents, with low-income families, affordability stands above the STEM factor. America After 3pm surveyed low-income and more affluent parents and, even though lower income families do consider STEM an important factor over more affluent families, affordability is a keep factor in choosing which STEM program to put their child in. STEMovative wants to keep cost low, so that lower income families will be able to put their child in an enrichment program that will give them their beginning steps down the STEM path. We hope to work with recycle supplies to keep our cost