
Persuasive Essay On Recess

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When I ended fifth grade and my parents told me I wouldn't get recess the next year I was devastated. I hadn't even gotten recess since fourth grade because of covid and now I wasn't ever going to have it again? Not only do I miss having recess because it was fun, but I think it was good for my physical health and it helped me socialize. I think middle schoolers should have recess because it helps them burn off energy, creates more opportunities to make new friends, and could even help them focus more in school. Having recess every day would help us burn off extra energy and doing so would help us calm down in the classrooms, improve our physical health, and improve our academic performance. For example, I think I can speak for all students in middle school by saying that we know our teachers get annoyed with us easily by us getting up out of our seats and walking around doing nonsense but if we have recess every day that might change because we are burning off extra energy. Teachers also get annoyed with us for taking long breaks from our work. Maybe we're just doing that because we've been cooped up inside all day and we need to run around for a bit so we can regain our attention for our work. …show more content…

I think a lot of students struggle at school with making friends and being social, having recess could open up the chance to help them engage in social activities with other students. For example, recess allows kids to meet new friends outside and build good and strong relationships with them. Another example of how recess could help with socializing is if a kid looks lonely or is sitting alone I know that there is almost always going to be more than one of those kids and kids tend to connect with people who share the same experiences as them so they will probably go up to each other and start talking, this could lead to a

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