Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving

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Over the years driving while intoxicated has become more and more of an issue, especially among teens. Not only is drinking a fad, for many people it is used as a coping mechanism. Drunk driving is still prevalent in society today as it was in the novel Ellen Foster.
“Drunk driving, or impaired driving is the crime of driving a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, including those prescribed by physicians.” (Driving 18 Apr.2017) If you have a 0.8 BAC (blood alcohol content) or higher while driving you are considered a drunk driver. Every day 28 people in the US alone are killed in a drunk driving incident; that’s 6,750 people yearly. Over 1 million people are arrested each year due to drunk driving.
Drunk driving doesn't just affect the driver, it puts all lives at risk. The family unit is affected by this financially by having to get money together to pay for damage. “Distress from drunk driving remains with …show more content…

They each serve the same purpose but states decipher which term they use. If you are 21 years or older and are caught with a 0.8 BAC while driving you will receive one of the three tickets. If you are a commercial driver with a 0.4 BAC while driving you will receive on of these three tickets. And last but not least if you are younger than 21 and driving with any BAC amount you will be ticketed. Tickets and fines are not the only consequence of drinking and driving; chances are that a simple ticket will be the least of your worries. “Being convicted of driving under the influence can also impact your life in ways you may not be aware of, including loss of employment, prevention of employment in certain jobs, higher insurance rates, serious financial setbacks, personal and family embarrassment, and having that conviction on your driving records for years―if not forever.” (DUI 19