
Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving

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Car crashes are the biggest threat to teenagers. Not smoking or not guns, car crashes. One statistic states that, “Vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15-20 year-olds” (California Department of Motor Vehicles). Many different things can cause car crashes with a teenage driver. Some of these things include Alcohol, Passengers, and Cell Phones. These causes have proven to be a fatal distraction among teenage drivers. Furthermore, teenage drivers create many dangerous distractions when behind the wheel of a vehicle. The first distraction to teenage drivers would be alcohol. One statistic states that 32% of teenage drivers killed in car accidents were due to alcohol (Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association). There are a couple reasons why teenage drivers should never mix alcohol and driving. One reason could be that alcohol makes the driver’s reaction rate much slower than the sober reaction rate. For example, if the drunk teenage driver sees a car quickly crossing the intersection, this drunken teenager may not have a quick enough reaction to press the brakes. Another reason a teenage driver should stay away …show more content…

Passengers in cars would be the second fatal distraction to teenage drivers. All teenagers want to look cool to their friends, but sometimes looking cool can prove to be a deadly mistake. For example, if a teenage driver has a friend in the car, the driver is most likely to drive recklessly. Driving recklessly can be many different things including: driving fast, driving off the road, or driving without headlights. All of the reckless driving habits are extremely unsafe and uncalled for and can lead to a fatal car crash. Being a teenage driver is fun. Especially, when the driver gets to chauffer all the driver’s friends around, but teenage drivers must remember to be safe rather than be

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