Persuasive Essay On Drinking And Driving

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It is commonly assumed that teenagers are less good at driving than adults. How bad are teenagers really? What have others done to help teens become better drivers? How would making a video game appeal to teenagers better? Creating a video game that includes the rules of the road will help teenagers become safer drivers. Teenagers aged sixteen to nineteen have the highest crash rate in the United States with two thousand three hundred thirty-three deaths in 2015.(, 2017) That means that there were about six teenage deaths every day. Nineteen-year-olds are nearly three times more likely to crash than twenty-year-olds; this means that teens are more reckless than adults. Teenagers are more likely to underestimate dangerous situations. …show more content…

This means that if you give a kid a textbook then they will be unenthusiastic and bored. If you give them a game that can teach them then it will help much better. Teenagers spend nine hours a day playing video games on average as of 2015. This is more than half the time they are awake. The average hours a day teenagers use media for homework is more than seven and a half hours less. Why do teens like video games so much? Teenagers like things that are relatable and can make them feel like masters. Teenagers also like to be put in charge. There are games like guitar hero that give you suggestions and ratings as you go and this gives you the feeling of competence. Games like Minecraft let you play and do whatever you want and this gives them the feeling of autonomy. The game Words With Friends let people connect with their friends put it in a challenge form and this is relatedness. This is the Self-Determination Theory. This means that when people are playing a game with a challenge or goal they tend to like it better. When people are faced with the freedom of doing whatever they want when they want to keep playing to see what else they can do or what things they can build and with what materials.(,