Even before same-sex marriage was deemed legal in the United States,
Many people have protested and debated about the rights of the LGBT community. LGBT stands for; lesbian, women who’s sexual preference is female, gay, men who’s sexual preference is men, bisexual, anybody who likes either men or females, and transgender, one who identifies as the opposite gender. People of the LGBT community should be entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals because they don’t deserve to be treated inhumanely just because they have a different opinion than heterosexuals. In many other countries, homosexuality is punishable by jail time or even death. A fraction of our goal in the United States is to convince others that goal by being less brutal to those who are of this community.
Let’s say you like macaroni and cheese. You talk with a new friend and find
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Would you lock them in jail? Would you stone them to death? I bet you wouldn’t, at least if you aren’t a psychopath. This is the same situation for sexuality. If someone you had just met tells you that they are gay, lesbian, etc., you can’t just execute them, because it is simply their opinion. They just don’t agree. Although in many places, people kill each other because of disagreements, but it is a widespread rule and common sense to treat each other the way you would expect to be treated.
In many countries, homnosexuality is punishable by death. This is considered brutal and unnecessary in many people’s opinions. Is it incorrect to say that the United States’ goal is partly to be thought of as the best? If that’s truly their goal, then we could get closer to that goal by handling the mass shootings upon homosexuals. If we want to make life peaceful for everyone, including homosexuals, then more security should be forced upon places where homosexuals are welcome.
As a counterclaim, the bible in which many people in the United