Persuasive Essay On Gun Control

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According to our Constitution's Second amendment, all citizens have the right to bear arms. This has been an important and very debated topic over the last few years not only in Congress, but throughout the American population. There has been a few memorable instances in our history that has really sparked the fights over gun control. There is a need for stricter laws on gun control in America to keep firearms out of criminals hands and to keep Americans safer.
Firearms are extremely lethal and dangerous weapons. They are able to cause destruction or death when in the hands of the wrong person. On the other side of the debate, they are used to defend and protect the owner from harm. Either way you see it, guns are very dangerous objects in society. Guns should be controlled by laws in the United States to reduce the amount of crimes due to anger. A crime of anger, exclusively those with a gun, is usually because of the …show more content…

Mass shootings have become more of a problem recently in the world. According to a recent poll by the Associated Press, “60 percent of Americans worry that they or a family member might die in a mass shooting” (qtd. In Brennan). Worrying about whether or not a family member will die in a mass shooting is a huge problem for people to think about. This worry by three out of five people is partially due to weak gun laws. Since shootings in public places have become increasingly more common, some buildings have began putting in technology to limit the bloodshed. William Brennan, author of “Bulletproofing”, states that “High-tech, high-volume body scanners and bullet-resistant, automatically locking doors are already on the market”. These are just some of the many technologies that have to be put in buildings to keep people safe these days. Without getting stricter gun laws, we will have to keep implementing more technology for

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