Persuasive Essay On Horizon High Schools

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As the people of the Unites States we deserve to have our rights and we deserve to be held accountable and be able to use our rights. Horizon High School is a school of fun and a very high educational standard. This is not just any high school this is Horizon. As students of Horizon High School we must be enforced and controlled but to an extent where it is justifiable. Rules at Horizon High School have been enforced and have for years. Since the 80’s there have been rule and still to this day there are rules and regulations you must follow. There is a degree to where certain rules rule out others and must be follow with no excuses but Horizon High School has gone too far. We are students and we are meant to be students, not slaves. School is essentially work for students. …show more content…

If we wanted to be a slave for 8 hours we would act upon that decision but we don’t. We wanna be free of all the shackles and chains that admin are locking on our feet like a prisoner. We are not a prisoner!!! We are human beings, young adults, free thinkers, so why must we be treated with such an injustice? We may be young but we are not dumb. What we’ve succumbed to in this run for equality in school districts is beyond belief and is straining our freedom as an American citizen!!! If this act of malicious and insidious behavior keeps occurring within this land so called “free” then things need to be changed, rules need to be changed, settings need to be changed, expectations need to be changed, we need to change. We, the students have a solution and a list of changes that are mandatory to be heard, read, spoken out to the people of Horizon High School. This an act of bravery and honor and tiresome of the old ways. These are the new