Persuasive Essay On Human Cloning

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I recently noticed a bill has risen that supports the therapeutic and reproductive cloning of all animals including the cloning of humans which could prove to be unethical. Therapeutic cloning research could benefit the human race by eliminating life threatening diseases such as Cancer and HIV by giving us a better understanding of these illnesses but could create new and worse diseases than before. Reproductive cloning could prove useful in the field of warfare by contributing millions of clones to the battlefield but we could lose the sense of how unique one person is. Both types of cloning have their positives and negatives but the negatives are over weighing the benefits. Cloning whether therapeutic or reproductive could prove to be harmful …show more content…

To solve the actions created by genetic cloning we need to band together and show scientists and the head of the states that human cloning is unethical. Are clones considered humans? Society for protection of Unborn Children stated, “Human cloning violates the dignity and respect due to every human individual as it undermines the rights, identity and welfare of any child created in this way.” I agree with this statement because, when clones die for scientific purposes is it considered murder? Where do the laws start and begin when it comes to human cloning. We should drop this project before it falls into the wrong hands.

This bill legalizing human cloning could have more negatives than positives and could break some laws in the process. If the bill does get passed how can scientists create clones with the technology we have today and we will lose people in the process of creating clones. Clones aren't just bodies, they are living breathing copies of another person who have rights just like everyone else. Scientists can't break our rights by conceiving clones into captivity to get tested on over and over again. Humans think they run this world and can play “god” to create clones or their own humans, but, just like the dinosaurs, when creatures get to powerful Mother Nature always comes out on